Our annual competition was established in memory of local photographer Nicola Devine, who died in 2022. This year the prize in the Over-18 category has been won by James Wainscoat for his exquisite close-up of a pair of Banded Demoiselle dragonflies. And the prize in the Under-18 category has been won by Arthur Waszak (aged […]
First ducklings of the year
Ranulf Lewis Flanagan spotted this mother duck and her 16 (?) ducklings in the stream alongside the boardwalk in the Trap Grounds on 5th April 2024 at 17.00.

Swans on the Canal again…
Yesterday (21 July) I spotted Eddy the swan (who lost her partner Prince in May this year) leading her 5 cygnets up the canal. It was almost mid-morning and sunny. The cygnets, who are still very young and fluffy, wanted to keep their heads under their wings when I saw them later closer by, but […]

Banded Demoiselles mating
James Wainscoat caught this pair in flagrante on 16 June 2023.
The woods are full of birdsong
Claire Weiner photographed a Thrush and a Blackbird in full song on her walk around the Trap Grounds on the evening of May 1st.

Cowslips galore
Last year there were about a dozen cowslips in flower in the Snowdrop Glade near the back entrance. This year there are too many to count!

Long-tailed tits: tiny birds, more easily visible while the trees are bare
Always the first to welcome visitors
Arctic weather relenting …