Nicola Devine’s intimate portrait of a Chiffchaff, encountered in the woodland on 9 April.

Nicola Devine’s intimate portrait of a Chiffchaff, encountered in the woodland on 9 April.
Or the same one that Nicola Devine photographed on 10 March, this time caught on camera in a different area of the Trap Grounds on 15 April.
Ben Atwell (aged 10) got this close up to a hungry Heron in the Trap Grounds on 22 March.
THE FIRST-EVER PHOTO OF A WEASEL ON THE TRAP GROUNDS Nicola Devine’s extraordinary photo confirms the long-suspected presence of at least one Weasel on the Trap Grounds.
Caught on Nicola’s camera: a magnificent Sparrowhawk, just minutes after mating in a tall tree on the Trap Grounds.
Nicola photographed this grisly-looking (and poisonous) False Morel (Gyromitra esculenta) on 20 March.
Lots of frogs spawning at Frog Lane!
Kingfishers are making a welcome return to the TG, after what seems like a long absence. A pair have been seen on several occasions in the past ten days. And three at once on one occasion.
Our resident birds are sprucing themselves up, ready for mating.
Signs of spring at the Trap Grounds today – Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob