Two (or three?) generations of our iconic legless lizard, photographed by Nicola Devine on 3 July.

Two (or three?) generations of our iconic legless lizard, photographed by Nicola Devine on 3 July.
Miranda Robinson photographed this newt enjoying a shower of rain in early July.
Clare Weiner photographed this juvenile Thrush on 9 July 2020.
This chick, photographed by Nicola Devine, fledged on 26 June 2020.
Breeding Goldcrests have been recorded on the Trap Grounds every Spring since 2015. Nicola Devine photographed this pair mating on 23 May 2020.
So far it’s been a good year for Azures. Nicola Devine photographed this pair mating on 21 May.
This Large Skipper butterfly was feeding on the abundant Red Clover on a sunny, humid morning (June 16th). The OxEyes provide a beautiful display in the Snowdrop Glade backed by a group of Great Mulleins. (Clare Weiner)
Nicola Devine photographed this male Cockchafer (Melolontha melolontha) on 29 May. Not rare, but very welcome. Then on 13 June she photographed a Rose Chafer (Cetonia aurata) – the first recorded sighting on the Trap Grounds.
Nicola Devine has so far photographed 11 varieties of dragonfly and damselfly this year. In addition to the six already listed elsewhere on this page, she has photographed the Ruddy Darter, the Four-Spotted Chaser, the Common Blue, the Banded Demoiselle, and the Beautiful Demoiselle. See below.
So far this spring, Nicola Devine has photographed six varieties of odonata on the Trap Grounds. DAMSELFLIES: the Large Red, the Blue-Tailed, the Azure, and a rare female blue form of the Azure. DRAGONFLIES: the Hairy, the Broad-Bodied Chaser, and the Downy Emerald. Her photo of the Downy Emerald (see below) is the first-ever record […]