Prince, one of our resident swans, dries his wings in sparkling February sunshine. Caught on camera by Corinne Richards.

Prince, one of our resident swans, dries his wings in sparkling February sunshine. Caught on camera by Corinne Richards.
Clare Weiner writes: The Butterbur buds (evident since early January) have been providing food for wildlife, judging by the number of half-eaten buds we’ve spotted. I observed the EarthStar fungi early in the year and later the Scarlet Elf Cups at the side of Frog Lane, and Coltsfoot buds in Polly’s Glade.
Spotted several Winter Heliotrope coming into flower in the wooded area and banks of the stream near the bird-hide today. THe flowers were white rather than pink.
I’m wondering if anyone has seen a Pied Wagtail in the Trap Grounds? I have seen them both by the Hayfield Road deli and yesterday on Waterside, but not yet in the TG, and wondered why they prefer the more urban area of roads and developments rather than the more watery and natural area nearby?
Clare Weiner writes: On 22 November, we were pleased to see the Trap Grounds Jays, flying and flapping around the trees and squabbling behind the Dragonfly Pond and near the stream in the Periwinkle wood. There were three of them, possibly this year’s youngsters? In the photos, although the birds were very high in the […]
In late summer 2021, for the second year running, Nicola Devine has photographed Willow Emerald damselflies mating next to the big pond; and for the sixth year running she has photographed a Brown Hairstreak butterfly laying eggs on a blackthorn bush. Willow Emeralds have been recorded on only one other Oxfordshire site: Otmoor nature reserve […]
Today (October 4th) walking down the Frog Lane path at the north end of the Trap Grounds we noticed first one very large Earthstar Fungus, (possibly about 2 1/2 inches across?)and then, on looking closer at the undergrowth, many more among the fallen leaves and twigs.We counted about 15 of them, either in groups or […]
A Heron has been hanging around by the Boardwalk recently. First sighting about a month ago, when we disturbed it by walking and it flew off over the Reed Beds. Yesterday I (and another frequent visitor a pervious day) spotted it there again, and I took a few photos while it stood very still, almost […]
Cordulia aenea is a relatively new arrival on the Trap Grounds. Nicola Devine spotted one in May 2019 and managed to get this close-up photo on 8 June 2021. On the same day she saw four Hairy Hawkers, a Four-Spotted Chaser, a Banded Demoiselle, and hundreds of Azure Blues. There are 33 known species of […]
Clare Weiner writes: Yesterday (June 2nd) we were halfway down Frog Lane walking towards the canal when a Jay landed in the bushes to the left of us, then fluttered down into the ditch and began to bathe. It jumped around and splashed about energetically, then retired to a branch where it preened busily. This […]