A seven-minute video made by City Council staff member Sharon Woodward for the recent virtual Oxford Open Doors weekend is still available to view and to share at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kE3MUIVUPEw&feature=youtu.be
Dredging completed
At a cost of £5,000 (subsidised by a generous grant of £1,500 from county councillor John Howson), the Frog Lane ditch and the Mill Stream were dredged by Aquatic Solutions UK in September. Tons of silt, dead bicycles, and rubble were excavated. Along the ditch the sludge and silt, held back by wattle fencing constructed […]

Fairy Doors trail
A group called Little Oxplorers has created a trail of ten ‘fairy doors’ in the woodland, designed to encourage small children to look closely at trees. The trail will be in place until the end of the schools’ summer holidays.
Welcome to our new website
Created by Trap Grounds supporter Anthony Grieveson, our new website celebrates the wealth of wildlife on the Trap Grounds Town Green & Local Wildlife Site. Visitors are welcome to record what they see (by clicking on ‘Sightings’), and to contribute their own photographs (by clicking on ‘Submit’). All our historic records are stored on the […]
Annual General Meeting
Tuesday 25 February at St Margaret’s Institute, Polstead Road, north Oxford, 7.30 pm. Come and hear reports of what we’ve achieved over the past 12 months, and enjoy an illustrated talk about some of the most significant wildlife sightings, featuring Nicola Devine’s superb photographs.
Work Parties, Spring 2020
Please join us for any or all of the following sessions. Tools are provided. Please wear boots and old clothes. Children under 14 should be accompanied by an adult. Sunday 26 January, 10 am to 4 pm. Saturday 29 February, 2 pm to, 5 pm Saturday 21 March, 2 pm to 5 pm Saturday 4 […]
Work Party, Saturday 2 November 2019
Join us any time from 2 pm to 5 pm. Meet us by the toolshed just before 2 pm, or come and find us on site later on. Tasks for all abilities. Tools and gloves are provided; please wear old clothes and boots, and bring your own work gloves if you prefer. Rain will not […]
Work Parties in September 2019
Wednesday 18 September, 10 am-4pm; and Thursday 19th, 11 am-3.30 pm. Raking hay, stacking logs, fighting brambles, etc. Tools are provided; wear old clothes and tough boots. Come when you like, for as long as you like. Meet us by the toolshed at the start, or come and find us later.
Next Work Party, Saturday 7 September, 3 pm to 5 pm
Light work: shaking the seeds from the mown grass and wildflowers in the glades near the back entrance, to allow the seeds to settle, and then raking the cuttings into piles to provide havens for snakes, frogs, toads, etc. Please meet us by the toolshed just before 3 pm, or come and find us later […]
Work Party, Saturday 13 July
Volunteers will be welcome from 3 pm to 5 pm, to continue clearing weeds from the stream bank in preparation for sowing wildflowers. Tools are provided. Please wear boots and old clothes.